騎遇福爾摩沙第2天 1月11日(二)第二天 嘉義市 Chiayi City 北迴歸線→後壁火車站→善化糖廠→永康捷安特→度小月→岡山麥當勞Chiayi City → Shueishang → Houbi → Sinying → Sinshi → Tainan → Gangshan → Nanzi → Kaohsiung City 經過首戰的洗禮,大夥們對於第二天的騎乘更具信心。在第一天調整期後,每個人都能嚴守騎行的規則,在嘉義、台南、高雄等車多市區,視路況由領騎以婕決定車隊成一路或兩路縱隊。After completing the firs-day-riding successfully, all Giant GMs had more confidence on today cycling journey. Everyone was well-ordered to follow Lead rider-Penny’s direction to keep one or two-lines, especially while riding through the busy Tainan and Kaohsiung City. 剛起跑沒多久,原本整齊劃一的車隊就被一個長紅綠燈分成兩段,然而憑藉著首日所培養的默契,大家並不慌亂,領先集團先放慢速度,而落後車隊則好整以暇,調整步伐逐漸追上,團隊運作十分順暢。Though the team had been separated by several groups due to the traffic light several times, all Giant GMs weren’t in a flurry at all. They presented what is the teamwork. The first leading group slower down their speed to wait for the behind team speeding up to catch up. 午餐在台南知名的度小月享用蚵仔麵線,沒想到午後天氣丕變,竟飄起了細雨,驟降濕冷的溫度增添了騎行隊伍的挑戰。但想到羅執行長在前一日起跑前,向大家勉勵的一句話”Are you afraid of the rain” 眾人信誓旦旦回答的”No”,在此以行動證明。At the lunch time, GM arrived in Tainan and enjoyed the famous traditional Taiwanese food- Oyster thin noodles. After, the weather is not only getting colder, also starting raining. The weather condition make whole journey become more challengeable. However, while Tony asked all GMs: “Are you afraid of the rian?”, everyone replied : “No” with fearlessness. 終點前約 2公里處,研發中心協理Owen的車忽然爆胎,有經驗的捷安特旅行社迅速以自身的前輪替換,再由另一位隊員隨隊護送,僅僅兩個路口就趕上大部隊,圓滿達成任務。 There’s a interlude today occurred before 2KM from today destination. The VP of TC-Owen had a flat tire. However, after quick fixing by the professional “Giant Travel Agency”, Owen catched up the team in a very short time. Once again, team showed the “great teamwork” again. Apparently, the second lesson of the 2nd day is teamwork, which all GMs are familiar and they do very well..
- Mar 23 Fri 2012 19:21